Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Birthday Boy!

Yesterday was Curt's birthday. Hellena had a cake delivered to
our apartment.

The cake had a lot of different fruits; kiwi, pineapple, oranges, peaches,
grapes and even a cherry tomato (I'm not sure I would call a tomato a
fruit). The cake was not overly sweet as compared to American cakes.
The frosting tasted like whipped cream. It was very delicious!

Curt, the birthday boy with his cake.


  1. LOL! That reminds me of a conversation I had with somebody once, about how in the U.S. we think of tomatoes as vegetables, but in school we learn that they're really fruits; and in Korea they think of tomatoes as fruits, and in school, for some reason, they learn that they're really vegetables. Go figure. (Hey, I figure it's all vegetable. In some cases it's the fruiting body of the plant that we eat, and it other cases it's some other part.)

    I also discovered that Koreans think of carrots as being red. Never did figure that one out.

    Happy Birthday! :)

  2. Curt!!! Happy Birthday!!!!! Slurpy kisses from your furry doggie girlfriend!

    Helena, some carrots are red....

  3. Thanks for the birthday wishes Helena and Creekhiker, I'll pass them on to Curt.
