Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Take Out - Korean Style

Having been in Seoul all day trying to learn that blasted maedeup knot (which I still haven't been able
to make without the teacher's help), I was tired and in no mood to cook. Although, most nights find
me in no mood to cook so I thought I would surprise Curt (hubby) with take out from our favorite
restaurant, Nolboo. We love their budae jjigae and I saw someone getting to go once so this has been
in the back of my mind for a while.

I walked into the restaurant about 4:00 p.m. to find all the waitresses eating their dinner. One of the girls saw me and ran over to seat me. She didn't understand that I wanted to place a "to go" order and I was having
trouble conveying what I wanted with my English along with pantomiming. Finally, our regular waitress came and quickly realized what I wanted. It only took a few minutes for them to gather the order and off I was.

Inside the bag is a package of ramen noodles, a plastic container with all the ingredients and then a bag of the stock.

A closer look.

Here it is opened and ready to go.

This is what it looks like when I dumped the container into a pan.

This is what it looks like after you add the stock. Then just boil the heck out of it. I also made some rice to go along with the budae jjigae. They didn't include the 6 or more sides that you get when you eat at the restaurant which was fine with me. Curt is the one who eats most of them anyway.
Curt was really shocked when he came home to see what I had made for dinner. He didn't realize you could get it to go. Total price: 11,000 WON which is approximately $11.00. What a great deal.

My Korean girlfriends are surprised at how many dinners I do cook. Most Korean women now order dinner through the many restaurants located in their neighborhoods. You can also buy all you side dishes ready made at the local grocery store. Watch out for those scooter guys which are delivering these dinners. They are everywhere including the sidewalks. They never obey light signals and rarely stop for a pedestrian. But I'm sure they have a lot of Korean households to deliver to each night. I wish I could call a restaurant and place an order for delivery. Maybe someday.


  1. I'm trying to think of how to say take out. I think you can use "do shi rak." It means something like a sack lunch but I think it can also mean take out. Not positive on that one, though.

    Doug and I noticed that a lot of the little restaurants have "shin sok bae dal" posted somewhere, which means "speedy delivery," but if you didn't know that you might think it was a kind of food. We would joke about telling someone they should go to a restaurant and order the delicious shin sok bae dal. But we didn't. That would be mean. ;) ("Do you have delivery?" "Yes. What would you like?" "I'd like delivery." Ha.)

  2. Helena: Thanks for the insight. You are such a wealth of information.

  3. Becky... this is such a neat blog! I'm gonna hafta to check in often. The food looks sooo good!

  4. Becky, Dinner looks good! I know Curt was pleased!

  5. It looks like a lunch box and really cute. I even had no idea BuDaeJjigae can be taken out. gee.. You are a so binge-budajjigae as to get it to go. ^^ Now do you cook boiled rice well?
