Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Another Korean Wedding

We had another wedding in Seoul a couple of weeks ago. The bride was a co-worker of Curt (hubby). Luckily this time, he made sure to get TWO buffet tickets. The bride walked down the aisle on this lit platform.

After the vows, the bride and groom faced the singer. She sang a song half in Korean and half in French.

As they walked down the aisle, a canister shot off releasing streamers all over the couple. It was a terrifying pop that shocked Curt into snapping a picture. Perfect timing.

My pictures got out of order as I uploaded them onto Blogger and I'm too dang lazy to rearrange them. This is the happy couple at the conclusion of the ceremony. I rarely see Koreans smile especially when pictures are being taken.

Is she darling? We've been out to dinner with her and her parents several times. She was flirting with some of Curt's single co-workers. She is going to be a heart breaker.

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