chilbo (Korean enameling) teacher had to reschedule class this week due to her participation in the Korean Enameling Association Exhibit being held in
Insadong. I knew I wanted to go and my
maedeup teacher,
Su-Mi, was kind enough to take me. The piece in the picture above was done by my teacher.

I love this chest but I'm sure one would cost a fortune.

At one point, a Korean woman came up to us with two glasses of orange juice. I didn't really want one because I was taking pictures but I took it and drank it quickly. As soon as I got rid of the glass another woman came over with more orange juice. I politely said, "
annio" (no in Korean) but she kept insisting and wouldn't take no for an answer.
Su-Mi didn't really know what to do either.
A Korean man came over and said in perfect English that I had to accept it, so I did. A few minutes later everyone was gathered round for some speeches and then we drank a toast. I guess that's why I needed a glass in my hand. Then they uncovered a table, spread with a ton of food. I had eaten a large Korean lunch, then went for coffee and cake so I was definitely not hungry. I stood my ground though as countless Koreans tried to feed me. They really want the foreigner to eat at these things but I truly could not eat another bite.

We even found some
maedeup (Korean knotting).

This was Cinderella.

This little guy just wouldn't get out of my shot. I forgot I was trying to take a picture of the earrings. He looked so cute.

chilbo teacher was shocked to see me. It was so much fun to surprise her. This is a picture of (from left to right): me, my
chilbo teacher,
Su-Mi's teacher(she is teaching her how to dye fabrics using natural dyes) and
Su-Mi (my
maedeup teacher).
Su-Mi was surprised to see her teacher there. She knew her teacher does
chilbo but she didn't think she would be participating in this exhibition.
One of the fun (or not so fun) parts about being a foreigner is that you often are the center of attention. I was the only foreigner at this exhibition and there was a fair amount of surprise by the Koreans. I'm getting pretty used to being stared at and at least everyone had smiles for me. I also had my picture take with a lot of people I didn't know. Many were surprised to find out that I am a student of chilbo. I only hope to be able to someday match up to the talent that was present in this exhibition.
Gorgeous stuff! I can only imagine how much one of those chests would cost.
Helena: It's got me thinking..my teacher has a much smaller chest (like a jewelry box) in her front window of the shop. I would love to make one of my own so I think I will explore that with her.
Wow... the stuff at the exhibition is so beautiful! I am amazed.
I bumped onto your blog through the 'golden clog' awards (good luck by the way). I am a Canadian teacher who just moved to Seoul. I am mostly now making jewelry, but I do a variety of mixed media art. I'd love to take some kind of class. Where do you take your classes?
I take my classes in Northern Suwon. My teacher knows very little but that hasn't been a problem.
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