I met a friend of his sister's who spoke English very well. She had lived in the United States in Oklahoma City and Washington DC. It was while she lived in Washington DC that she discovered quilting. She does her quilts completely by hand and doesn't even own a sewing machine. She told me that she is afraid if she did have a sewing machine, she would be tempted to do a lot less hand stitching. She said that a quilt usually takes her two years to complete. She also told me how she misses Hobby Lobby.
Our Korean teacher said his sister was quite nervous about me attending this festival. She was worried that it would be a lot smaller than quilt shows in the United States. I was so impressed with the amount of quilts in show along with the talent of the quilters. The festival also included clothing and purses that had been quilted. The only thing that surprised me was the small amount of vendors. I thought there would be a lot more booths with quilt supplies for sale.
I was a big quilter in the 80's but other crafts replaced my quilting over the years. I also had a lot of trouble putting the quilting together but I've since learned that a lot of quilters hire someone finish the quilt leaving only the binding to hand stitch. I am thinking about quilting again. Although, my material stash has dwindled down to almost nothing which warrants a need to visit a local Korean quilt store.
Below are bunch of pictures Curt (hubby) took at the Festival. I had no idea he was so busy and he just as impressed with the talent as I was. I bought the booklet on the Festival and inside one of the judges, who is Japanese, said her only complaint she had was that many of the quilts used batting that was too thick.
Oh wow! Some of those are really amazing. I like the one with the yin-yang symbols and leaves and flowers, and the one with the Nong Ak (farmer music) dancers.
When I was in Taejon I was told that the area was known for textiles, and I do remember being in an area of the market once that had a lot of fabric. You might check it out. (I think they're spelling it Daejon now. Deajeon?)
Becky, Wow! The artistry is amazing. My head would have been spinning! I can't believe Curt took all those pics. They are wonderful.
Helena - Now, I need to find that market! More adventures in the making.
Holly - Where are your beads from Leah's class? I'm dying to see them!
Taejon is about two hours south of Seoul. I would hope you could find something closer, but I don't know where!
I hope you will get this!
My sister-in-law is living in Seoul teaching english and I want to send her to a few fabric shops. I want some silk to make bags with and maybe a quilt or 2. I would also like to send her to the Quilt shop you talked about. If you have it could you give me the address or Phone #? And any advice on what to buy I love Asian fabrics so I would love the real thing!
By the way she has no clue about fabric at all. So tell me everything PLEASE!!!
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